Punjab in february

February is one enchantress.

on her heels meditative jan, wispy march in braid.

sprinkles of mustard leading to homesteads.

adolescent stalks of wheat quietly sway to a cumulus harp.

nascent life bursting on mulberry tree

 a lone jand* enacts the Nataraja*; The dance of creation begins. Life has begun to seed.

a flock of Ibises flies past; ime for moon to rise. sun to rest.  nocturn has its own secrets.

Let dreams be woven.

 mustard audience1 to homestaedsadoloscent stalksmulberryNatarajMustard audience3seedsthe-ibis-fly-past-smallmoon risethe-ibis-fly-past-small-bw

Jand* tree: P. Cineraria

Nataraja*: a depiction of the god Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations for the god Brahma to start the process of creation. (Wikipedia)

My other blog: nirlep.wordpress.com

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