November in Punjab

Stepping into november..change in landscape happens suddenly. Harvesting paddy with sickles used to take a month and more. One would find heaps of paddy stacked alongside a standing crop. Farmers working in fields slowly. Now all it takes is a couple of days. Combine harvester is a mean machine. It alters the landscape in a matter of days. All that is left on the fields is paddy stubble which is burnt by farmers to prepare fields for the next crop. This is practiced all over the northern planes of India. Burning of paddy stubble swallows all color and covers the entire north with noxious  grey. Cotton waits to be picked. Weeds, reeds and empty pods of cotton still manage a song.after harvest colorless clueless cotton field farmers day shelter paddy field after harvest reeds still manage color song of cotton pods song of cotton pods1 weedbeauty

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